Eslint Says All Enums In Typescript App Are Already Declared In The Upper Scope

Eslint Says All Enums In Typescript App Are Already Declared In The Upper Scope


Optimizing your Typescript application can result in the ‘Eslint Says All Enums Are Already Declared In The Upper Scope’ error message, pointing to a possibility of scope overlapping which needs careful debugging for seamless functionality.

Quick Summary

The issue of “Eslint stating that all Enums in TypeScript are declared in an upper scope” is often encountered by developers. This problem can be broken down and addressed step-by-step:

Problem Points Solution Steps
Eslint error popping up declaring ‘All enums already declared’ The origin of this error can be traced back to the ESLint configuration. The rules specified there may not be aligning well with TypeScript Enum and therefore raising flags erroneously.
‘Enum’ being identified as previously declared In TypeScript applications, Enums behave a little differently. If Eslint is treating Enums as if they were in JavaScript, it’s likely to cause conflicts. Adjusting the settings in your ESLint configuration to better identify TypeScript Enum might resolve this issue.
Error persists even after altering ESLint configurations If changing ESLint settings doesn’t help, consider upgrading or re-installing your ESLint package. A dated or corrupt package could also be the reason for these false positives.

To provide a broader understanding, let’s delve deeper. It seems like ESLint in your TypeScript application is flagging Enums as if they’re previously declared. However, TypeScript’s Enums are a unique functionality and do not entirely adhere to the JavaScript rules within ESLint.

In order to circumvent this hurdle, you need to tweak the ESLint configurations so that it correctly understands TypeScript Enums. Your ESLint settings should cater to the specificity of TypeScript’s syntax – unlike strictly abiding by JavaScript’s general rules. By doing this, we are directing ESLint to take a more considerate approach towards TypeScript’s unique constructs like Enum.

This allocation can be easily done inside your ESLint configurations file, ‘.eslintrc’:

    "rules": {
        "no-shadow": "off",
        "@typescript-eslint/no-shadow": ["error"]

If altering the ESLint configuration doesn’t seem to solve the problem, you might want to consider updating or re-installing your ESLint package. Sometimes, these minor issues could stem from dated or slightly corrupted versions of packages.

As Albert Einstein aptly put it, “You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.” As JavaScript developers stepping into TypeScript, it becomes crucial for us to understand and cater to the specific nuances that come with exploring a new language.

Understanding the Eslint Error in TypeScript Apps: “Enums Already Declared in Upper Scope”

Eslint Says All Enums In Typescript App Are Already Declared In The Upper Scope

The ESlint error: “Enums already declared in the upper scope” appears when we try to declare an enum having the same name as one which has already been declared in the current scope. This error becomes particularly important in Typescript applications where enums are a fundamental part of making applications robust and type-safe.

Understanding Enums in TypeScript
Enums, short for enumerations, is a special type of data structure in TypeScript that allows you to group related values together. They help in creating a set of named constants which can be utilized across your TypeScript application for better code readability and maintainability.

Example of Enum:

enum WeekDays {

Here, we have an enum WeekDays with the names of weekdays.

Encountering the ESlint Error
ESLint’s “Enum already declared in the upper scope” error occurs mainly due to shadowing or cases where a developer attempts to redeclare an existing enum within the same scope or encapsulating parent scope.

For instance, if we try to declare another enum named WeekDays again in the same scope or a parent scope, it would cause an error, since the name is already taken:

enum WeekDays {

enum WeekDays {

This attempt to redeclare WeekDays will trigger the Eslint error message of “Enum already declared in the upper scope”.

Resolving the Eslint Error
To fix this issue, we need to ensure that each declared enum has a unique name within its scope or parent scope. If two enums must have similar values but represent different concepts, they should be given distinct names for differentiation.

For example:

enum WeekDays {

enum WeekEnds {

By renaming the second enum to ‘WeekEnds’, we’ve respected uniqueness, avoiding the Eslint error and maintaining code clarity.

In software development, ensuring unique naming conventions is a fundamental standard. As Damith C. Rajapakse, a notable professor in the space of software engineering, wisely states: “Code is read much more often than it is written, so plan accordingly.” Ensuring clarity and reducing confusion via unique identification can help save valuable time for anyone who interacts with your project in the future.

Dealing with Reoccurring Enum Declaration: Causes and Solutions

Eslint Says All Enums In Typescript App Are Already Declared In The Upper Scope

One of the most common errors Typescript developers encounter is the ESLint warning: “All Enums in TypeScript app are already declared in the upper scope”. This problem arises when there’s a recurring declaration of enums in different files with the same name – a violation of one of the linting rules. Eslint follows strict coding conventions and aims to maintain uniformity and avoid potential code conflicts.

Understanding the Problem
When it comes to maintaining code quality and consistent coding standards across a project, linting tools like ESLint play an instrumental role. Espousing the practice of not declaring same Enums in the upper scope is essentially a preventive approach to thwart obscuration of original Enum declarations and prevent duplicacy and redundancy.

Below is an example illustrating the issue:

Consider two enumerations in two different files but bearing an identical name:

// File1.ts
export enum Direction {
// File2.ts
export enum Direction {

ESLint flags an error here since the ‘Direction’ enum is declared more than once.

Solutions to the Problem

To counter this problem there are several solutions:

Rename the Enums: The easiest solution would be renaming one of the Enums. Hence, eliminating any chance for a duplicate declaration.

Utilize Namespaces: A smarter way about this would imply using the namespace feature, which fundamentally provides a container function allowing values to co-exist with similar names, thereby resolving naming conflicts.


// File1.ts
export namespace NS1 {
    export enum Direction {

// File2.ts
export namespace NS2 {
    export enum Direction {

In essence, keeping Enums uniquely identifiable and preventing unnecessary duplications will make the endeavor of building scalable applications in TypeScript smoother. It’s necessary to mention a quote from Phil Karlton here – “There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation and naming things”. Reoccurring enum declaration is quite akin to this very issue.

Do note that the implementation would vary according to the requirement of the project. Henceforth, understanding the root cause is imperative before deciding on a solution. This helps in maintaining the integrity of the code structure while ensuring smooth functionality.

Smashing Magazine provides an interesting insight into TypeScript linting that could be helpful for further research.

Reevaluating Structuring Techniques for TypeScript App Development

Eslint Says All Enums In Typescript App Are Already Declared In The Upper Scope

Evaluating structuring techniques in TypeScript application development is important, especially when you encounter certain issues such as ESLint indicating that all enums in your TypeScript app have been declared in the upper scope. Optimizing your project’s structure to handle enums properly is crucial. Discussed below are critical factors to consider.

1. Leveraging Local Scopes:

Instead of declaring all enums in the upper scope, it can be more development-friendly to define them within local scopes. This method promotes a cleaner and more organized codebase by preventing unnecessary global pollution. It becomes easier to track where specific enums have been defined and used.

enum Days {

function getDay(day: Days): void {
  // Implementation here...

2. Using Unique Names for Enums:

To avoid `no-shadow` errors from ESLint, always ensure that enum names are unique throughout your codebase.

enum PaymentStatus {

enum OrderStatus {

Even though both enums contain the `Completed` and `Pending` states, the enums themselves have distinct names (PaymentStatus vs OrderStatus), preventing any scoping issues.

3. Importing Enums when Necessary:

In situations where multiple files use the same enums, these enums should be imported where necessary rather than being globally available. This reduces the chance of conflating different enums that might share similar member names, allowing for cleaner and more maintainable code.

// paymentStatus.ts
export enum PaymentStatus {

// order.ts
import { PaymentStatus } from './paymentStatus';
let status: PaymentStatus;

Having these strategies on how to better use enums in TypeScript will help resolve issues where ESLint states that all enums in a TypeScript application are already declared in the upper scope.

As Steve Jobs once said, “Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart.” Similarly, in coding, it’s critical to continually reevaluate and embrace improvements in structuring techniques for better efficiency and productivity. Experiment, learn, fail, and evolve.

For deeper understanding, this is a comprehensive guide on using enums in TypeScript from the official TypeScipt documentation. References likes these offer immersive learning experiences, providing developers with hands-on examples and insights from experienced pros.

Best Practices to Avoid ‘Enum Already Declared’ Errors in a TypeScript Application

Eslint Says All Enums In Typescript App Are Already Declared In The Upper Scope

A type-reliable JavaScript superscript, TypeScript comprises peculiar constructs like enums that are non-existent in basic JavaScript. Enums or Enumerations in TypeScript are utilized to manage collections of related values represented by human-readable names. However, it’s common to encounter ‘enum already declared’ errors in a TypeScript application, which is often flagged by code analysis tools such as ESLint in the context of ‘already declared in upper scope.’

Adopting certain best practices can ensure effective handling of these TypeScript issues; thus maintaining the integrity and performance of your application:

1. Enhance Scope Understanding
The ‘Enum already declared’ error typically signifies an issue of scope within the codebase. It implies that you might be declaring enums with similar naming conventions in different files or modules, causing confusion for ESLint. Comprehend the nuances of local and global scope in TypeScript, and accordingly declare and use enums to avoid the already declared message.

Example of inappropriate declaration:

// File 1:
enum Colors {

// File 2:
enum Colors {

2. Use Unique Names
In principle, the enum names should be distinct throughout your TypeScript application to prevent clashing. A methodical approach would be adequately naming enums based on their file, module, or functionality context. This practice lets you avert collisions and enhances the readability of your code.

Example of unique name strategy:

// File 1:
enum TrafficColors {

// File 2:
enum PrinterColors {
  Key (Black)

3. Leverage Namespaces:
Namespaces contribute to organizing code and avoiding name clashes in a larger TypeScript codebase. This method segregates the enum context and eliminates confusion.

Example of implementing namespaces:

// File 1:
namespace Traffic {
  export enum Colors {
// File 2:
namespace Printer {
  export enum Colors {
    Key (Black)

4. Configure ESLint:
ESLint, as a static analysis tool, can occasionally report false positives. You can tackle this by modifying or turning off particular rules in the ESLint configuration file(.eslintrc). Examine the specific rule causing the ‘Enum Already Declared’ message and adjust it accordingly.

In essence, maintaining cleanliness and the clarity of your code, especially in extensive codebases, is crucial. Understanding to avoid naming collisions by using distinct identifiers and segregation tactics like Namespaces fundamentally counteracts the issues of ‘enums already declared’ while enhancing code scalability and maintainability.

As Jeff Atwood, the co-founder of Stack Overflow and Discourse, rightly remarked, “Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand.“. Consider this philosophy while developing your TypeScript application and employing these strategies for preventing ‘enum already declared’ errors.


When dealing with the ESLint warning stating Enums in your TypeScript application are declared in an upper scope, there are a number of important aspects to keep in mind. Tackling this issue requires a solid understanding and adept maneuvering around TypeScript’s way of handling scopes and enum declarations.

enum Color {

A common mistake is redeclaring these Enums within the same scope or even nested scopes in your application, which is what triggers the ESLint warning. This can often occur when applications scale and enumerations get scattered and obscured across various files and folders, especially if you’re working in a large team.

Problem Solution
Redeclaring an Enum in the same scope Review your code for duplicate declarations and consolidate them.
Redeclaring an Enum in a nested scope Identify nested scopes where this has occurred and streamline your enumeration usage.

Steve McConnell, author of Code Complete, once said: “Good code is its own best documentation.” When your TypeScript application utilizes enum types effectively, their intent is crystal clear, scaffolding is minimized, and quality is consistent throughout. By vigilantly managing scopes and being cautious of potential pitfalls, your TypeScript project will exhibit good practice and parity with professional standards.source.

Remember, mastering scope management in TypeScript (or any language, for that matter) is a journey that fosters better programming habits, bolsters code architecture, and ultimately crafts more effective software. As another renowned programmer, Robert C. Martin, remarked: “The only way to go fast reliably is to go well.”.
